Member-only story
Upload Ebooks To Your Kindle Yourself
Pass by Amazon. Learn to upload EPUB files directly to your Kindle!
Is Amazon the most popular place in the world to 1-Click buy and download an ebook directly to your Kindle? Yeah, it is.
But can we change that?
What if authors could sell their ebooks directly from their website and earn more profits? Can we turn this dream into a reality?
Absolutely! We just need the right tools to do so.
Why Do It Yourself?
Amazon is notorious for being a monopoly in the self-publishing business. Therefore, most authors are told that to be seen online or streamline sales, and they have to use Amazon to sell their books.
But the Amazon royalty ratio is pretty bad for most authors.
For the 35% option, authors don’t have to pay file delivery costs and can price their ebook however they want — but they’re only…